If you want to reduce puckering on lightweight fabrics and prevent delicate fabrics from jumping and shifting, this foot is for you. The small opening on the foot provides support as the needle travels through the fabric, preventing flagging. The center needle position leaves no guesswork. Fits Models: Accord, Aerial, Altair, Amelia, Aria, Audrey, Aurora, Aventura, Ballad, Bloom, Brilliant, Chorus, Crafter’s Choice, Crescendo, Decorator’s Choice, Destiny, Elizabeth, Ellageo Plus, Ellegante 3, Ellisimo, Ellisimo Gold, Ellure, Ellure Plus, Esante, Grace, Journey, Jubilant, Katherine, Lyric, Maria, Melody, Natalie, Presto, Quilter’s Choice, Rachel, Sofia 2, Solaris, Soprano, Spirit, Symphony, Tempo, Unity, Verve, Vesta.